Shoulder Pain

Shoulder Pain Treatment in Hershey & Lancaster

Orthopedic Physical Therapy in Hershey, PA

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Shoulder pain can occur for a number of reasons. Common issues affecting the shoulder are


  1. Rotator Cuff Issues (this includes impingement, strains, tendonitis, and tears in the rotator cuff muscles or other muscles of the upper arm)
  2. Labral Tears
  3. Arthritis
  4. Neck Issue


Can neck pain really cause shoulder pain and complications?

Yes, problems in the neck can often cause us to feel pain in the shoulder. This is because muscles of the neck and shoulder work closely together to allow us to move our arms well, and also because some of the nerves coming from the neck supply the shoulder. So, it is important to identify the source of the problem, so the right area and problem are treated.

Can shoulder pain be fixed with treatment?

The majority of people with shoulder pain heal with conservative treatment, meaning physical therapy. Even in more serious cases where there is a tear in the rotator cuff, labrum, significant arthritis or neck problems, most patients recover and heal with Physical Therapy, without the need for surgery. Because of this, doctors often refer patients to us for PT prior to considering injections or surgery as an option.
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