Manual Therapy

Manual Therapy in Hershey & Lancaster

Orthopedic Physical Therapy in Hershey, PA

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About manual therapy

Manual therapy refers to a group of techniques where your physical therapist uses his/her hands to apply treatments to your body for the purposes of relieving pain, and maximizing your ability to move well. Examples of this include mobilization and manipulation of the spine and other joints, traction, as well as soft tissue techniques such as massage, trigger point massage, release techniques, etc. 

How manual therapy works

Using manual therapy speeds up recovery after an injury or surgery. Even if a problem has been there for years, it is very effective in relieving pain and improving range of motion, in most cases faster than just doing exercise alone. 

We use manual therapy for virtually all of our clients, no matter what problem they come in for, because research evidence has shown it is so helpful and effective. What techniques we choose to do we base on what we learn from speaking with you and by examining you, what we think can best help you, what you like or don’t like, and other important factors such as your age and other medical conditions you may have.
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